Wednesday, October 5, 2011

St. Mary Mercy Hospital is conducting a Community Health Needs Assessment

St. Mary Mercy Hospital is conducting a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) to evaluate the changing health and social needs in the communities we serve. The CHNA process involves analysis of available data from a variety of sources, and seeking input from public health organizations and stakeholders representing the interests of the broader community. Your valuable input allows us to gather the community's perception of need, not necessarily what conventional data might suggest is the need.

Once completed, the CHNA will be shared publicly on and utilized to prioritize focus areas for St. Mary Mercy community benefit planning. The assessment will also be discussed with our community partners to identify opportunities for collaboration to address priority needs.

Your input into this process is tremendously valuable, so we hope you will take a few minutes to complete the 8 question survey.  If you want to view the results of the survey, there is a link found in the lower right hand corner of the thank you screen after you submit your survey. 
The survey can be accessed here.

In appreciation for your participation, your name will be entered into a drawing for an Kindle (if you have provided your contact information at the end of the survey). Please pass this message on to other community members.

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